Gambling in the USA
Graham Capital lowers stake in Caesars Entertainment
Graham Capital Management Lp has reduced its stake in Caesars Entertainment Corporation (CZR) by 95.71 per cent, after investors sentiment of the latter lowered to 1.01 in 2018 Q1. As many as 49 investors sold CZR shares and 73 investors reduced holdings.
The investors of CZR include Deroy & Devereaux Private Investment Counsel, Athena Advsr Lc, Thompson Siegel And Walmsley Ltd Llc and Morgan Stanley. Graham Capital Management Limited Partnership now owns 0.05 per cent invested in CZR for 76,336 shares.
Graham Capital Management Lp sold 1.70M shares of CZR as the company’s stock declined 5.30 per cent with the market. The hedge fund held 76,336 shares of the hotels and resorts company at the end of 2018Q1, valued at $859,000, down from 1.78M at the end of the previously reported quarter. Graham Capital Management had been investing in CZR for a number of months, but now the company seems to be less bullish one the $7.16B market cap company.
Graham Capital Management Lp, which manages about $16.17 billion and $1.87 billion US Long portfolio, upped its stake in At&T Inc by 131,982 shares to 200,000 shares, valued at $7.13M in 2018Q1. It also increased its holding in Apple Inc (Put) by 114,024 shares in the quarter, for a total of 119,800 shares, and has risen its stake in Apple Inc.
Analysts await CZR to report earnings on November, 7. They expect $-0.01 EPS, up 99.16 per cent or $1.18 from last year’s $-1.19 per share. After $0.04 actual EPS reported by CZR for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts −125.00 per cent negative EPS growth.
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