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A mix of skill and chance: Bitblox on the potential for crypto prediction games



A mix of skill and chance: Bitblox on the potential for crypto prediction games
Reading Time: 4 minutes


The rise of cryptocurrency over the last few years has been inescapable. From the launch of new tokens to Bitcoin reaching record highs, the world of crypto is slowly becoming much more popular – and the iGaming space has been no exception to its influence.

Making its debut earlier this year, Bitblox has already made its mark on the iGaming industry with a new vertical: crypto prediction games. With games such as Up or Down, Up or Down Turbo and BitSlap making up its portfolio, Bitblox prides itself on blending games of skill with games of chance, thereby offering something completely new for players.

Brandt Page, Chief Executive Officer of Bitblox, walks us through the company’s journey so far and how crypto prediction games can help operators to tap into the elusive Millennial and Gen Z player bases.


Can you start by giving us a very quick elevator pitch – who is Bitblox, and how are you bringing something new to the industry?

Bitblox is really bringing something new to the market that players haven’t seen before. We don’t build slots, or crash games. We are creating games that are a genuine combination of games of skill, and games of chance. Our first games are centred around players making a prediction on the price of Bitcoin – one game runs in 60 second intervals, while the other is much quicker at 20 seconds.

What we have done is really quite bold for the industry. If you walk around the expo floor of any conference now, you’ll see so many different slot titles or crash games. It’s the same in casino lobbies online too. These types of games are fantastic, but our mission was to create something unique for the players.

We also wanted to find a way that would allow us to introduce the iGaming industry to cryptocurrency in a way that is easy to understand. After some internal discussions, and chats with people at industry events, we settled on the idea of cryptocurrency prediction games – they are straightforward, engaging and can act as a platform to introduce players to the world of crypto without overwhelming them.


You describe yourself as offering a blend between games of skill and games of chance. Can you tell us what you mean by that? 

You could look at this from two different angles. Firstly, if you are making a prediction on the price of Bitcoin over a set time period, theoretically speaking, you could actually build a model to look at fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin over the last six months or year. If you were smart enough, you could then build a model that might allow you to extrapolate some of that data and offer some sort of prediction on what might happen in the future, based on particular market conditions.

There will be players that try to do this, especially those that are really interested in the trading element. Our odds provider uses an on-chain probability protocol that helps power the odds for our fixed odds games.

On the pools side of things, the probability protocol also ensures that every pool has sufficient funds to pay out winnings.

The other angle that you could look at this blend is that if you look at some of our future games, such as BitSlap, players are still making a prediction on the Bitcoin price, but others may be more interested in which character will win the slap fighting bout.

In that case, we’ve almost flipped the Bitcoin price to become a random number generator in itself. Players are cheering on a fighter, and becoming invested in an individual character, rather than simply just looking at the fluctuations in price.

You can almost think of our games as the perfect mix between trading and gambling. The reality is, we wanted to create an enjoyable experience for players that delivers something new and unique; players have the opportunity to win, unlike in other verticals where the RTP is unbeatable over time.


How will this blend of games of skill and games of chance enable Bitblox, and its operator partners, to engage with both sports bettors and casino players? Does UX play a role here, or is it more about the game itself?

I think it’s hard to say just yet because we are still in the early stages of launching. But based on the discussions we’ve been having at industry events, our games offer operators a way to reach, and engage with, a younger audience that tends to be much more technological and crypto savvy.  This is a generation of bettors who are more likely to be comfortable using a Web3 wallet and trading different cryptocurrencies.

If operators can tap into that player base, they can then start to cross-sell much more traditional content – whether that’s sports betting or casino. Engaging with this audience has been notoriously difficult; this is a topic that has dominated industry discussions for years now, and we believe that it is content such as ours that can help bridge that gap.

On the flip side, you then have the more traditional bettors who haven’t had much exposure to the crypto world. We are bringing crypto to players in a way that is easy to understand and engage with. This can then open the doors to introduce those more ‘traditional’ players to newer content that they may have not tried before.

From the conversations that we’ve been having with operators that we’re working with, a clear pattern that we’ve seen is that games such as ours seem to be getting a lot of traction in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Of course, we are aiming for our games to be popular right across the world.

We’ve seen a growth in popularity for crash games, for slots, and now is the time for crypto prediction games. Players like to feel like they are in control of the outcome – by adding cash out features, we are giving players that sense of control that they might not get with other types of games. But I’m very excited to see how our games are received in different markets around the world.

Conferences in Europe

Promatic Group: Pioneering Innovation in Slot Gaming for Over 25 Years



Promatic Group: Pioneering Innovation in Slot Gaming for Over 25 Years
Reading Time: 7 minutes


The European Gaming Congress (EGC) returns to Warsaw for 2024 on 15-16 October, and organizer HIPTHER is proud to introduce the conference’s esteemed Sponsors – trailblazing companies and accomplished professionals that help make the magic happen! In this Sponsors Spotlight Feature, we welcome Piotr Fedak, CEO at Promatic Group, parent company of the Platinum Sponsor for EGC 2024, Promatic Games.


To start off, thank you for becoming the Platinum Sponsor of the upcoming EGC in Warsaw. We truly appreciate your trust! What inspired your decision to participate and sponsor this event?

The European Gaming Congress is a very important event for us, we have participated in the past edition. The congress creates an opportunity to meet, exchange experiences, discuss trends between industry professionals as it gathers representatives from all over Europe. Being a Partner in such events is also part of our organization’s strategy. And the fact that the conference is held in Warsaw, Poland, is of great importance – we are a local company and the Polish market is extremely important to us, hence our strong involvement in EGC.


As is tradition, could you tell us a bit about yourself? How long have you been with Promatic Group and in the gambling industry overall?

I have been associated with Promatic Group nearly 20 years now, the vast majority of my professional experience in the industry. In our organization I have held various positions related to operational areas, later I became a Managing Director and currently I am the CEO of the company being responsible for strategic, operational and organizational management.


You describe Promatic Group as a “one-stop solution provider for the gambling industry.” How should we interpret that? Tell us more about the company and its journey.

Correct, hard to believe it’s been almost 30 years now! We started as a distributor and over the course of almost 3 decades we have been developing our products – at the beginning we only offered EGM Terminals with slot games produces in Austria Later, we started producing our own game collections which naturally led us to developing a fully professional games studio that delivers own, developed in-house products to both the retail and online markets.


Our conference focuses on the European market, but you have a presence beyond Europe as well. Which markets are most important for you, and what offerings do you bring to Europe versus other regions? Which market is easier or harder to operate in, and how do they differ?

As I mentioned, Poland is a key market due to our origin. However, with nearly 30 years of experience, we now operate under two flagship brands, Promatic and Promatic Games, and we are present in various locations globally, including Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

European markets are definitely more saturated and are characterized by high competition. In Africa, for instance, there is much more space for business development, but also more organizational challenges than in European countries. It is difficult to say which market is easier as they differ significantly. Yet, our diverse offer allows us to operate in many regions, and although each market has different regulations we deal with in our daily activities. That is why we are always flexible and able to adapt to a given region and its specific requirements.


Like any company, you surely have competition. If you had to pinpoint what sets you apart, what would you say is your competitive advantage?

Our industry is characterized by very strong competition. Yet, we always try to use our competitive advantage – we are an independent manufacturer with our own resources and capital, we have an autonomous game studio and we are self-sufficient in every aspect of our activity.

Besides, Promatic Group is a local company quite different from big enterprises, not limited by corporate complications, intricate processes and complex internal regulations. We do not follow extensive bureaucracy and we adapt faster to changes in the business environment. Consequently, we can create new products and complete business agreements faster and more agile, easily competing with large corporations.

On top of that, we offer a very competitive product with excellent value for the money. We create top-engaging content as our games always respond to individual needs of the market, local players and that definitely distinguishes us from the competition.


And what do you admire in other companies? Do you have any role models or best practices that you follow? Is there someone/some company worth emulating—even if you don’t want to name names?

Like most companies we follow industry trends as well as competing businesses and wish to be one step ahead. We are confident that with such an approach the industry can develop, and direct, open competition creates opportunities for growth.

In our organization, we act as a participant in the gaming industry – we observe others, but we also want to have a significant impact and set the trends based on our capabilities and resources. What characterizes large companies is a strong distribution and operational authority in the countries they come from as it allows to scale global operation.


Let’s talk about branded games. Do you have any other themed games in your portfolio? If so, what are they like? What guides your choices when selecting these themes?

Games featuring celebrities, such as Mariusz Pudzianowski – the brand ambassador of Promatic Group, allow us to stand out on local markets and create unique, dedicated content, responding to individual needs of players in a given region. Apart from Pudzian, our games feature other famous figures who are popular in Slovakia, Romania or Ukraine. But celebrity games are not the only trend we use in our slots, we also focus on popular and well-known historical, cultural or social themes, examples include titles like Janosik, Husaria, Golden Train or Copernicus dedicated to Polish players or games with African themes, very popular in Nigeria: Naija Wheels or African Carnival. The ability to create branded games is a great added value of our brand and we are happy that we can promote themes and motives ​​that are important to players in local regions


What opportunities and challenges do you see for the gaming industry in Europe? How is Promatic Group preparing for changing trends (do you notice any, e.g., in customer behavior, industry needs, legal regulations, etc.)?

Our industry is defined by very strong legislation, also in Poland.

The European market as a whole is already very regulated and saturated and most of our neighboring markets have increasingly restrictive regulations that do not translate into sales opportunities in the retail segment. Online market currently offers greater space for development and this is one of the trends that Promatic focuses on – we want to deliver products to the online sector in Poland and other European markets.

But regulatory restrictions and differences are not the only challenge, players’ preferences are changing too and we want to follow them by modifying the ergonomics of the machines following waving popularity of games, and user behaviors, which is why we constantly develop new products, providing new, engaging content that is both safe and compliant with Responsible Gaming policy. It is our highest priority to deliver safe products, our production process is always well-thought-out from the early design stage to publishing aspects, ultimately leading to the certification of our products according to the highest European standards.

It is difficult to say which market is easier as they differ a lot. On the other hand, despite discrepancies, our diverse product offer and ability to adapt to specific market requirements allow us to operate in many regions with changing regulations.


You were nominated in four categories for the EiGE awards:

  • Best iGaming Supplier > Promatic Group
  • Best iGaming Product > Miss Joker Show (Promatic Group)
  • Best Game Developer > Promatic Group
  • Best Emerging iGaming Company > Promatic Group


From what we see in the results of the first stage, you have a chance in several categories. Winning in which category would make you the happiest, and why?

We proudly received nominations in four different categories and in each of them we were among the finalists, which makes us very happy. The categories are very diverse, and the nominations in all of them confirm the hard work of all our teams in our organization, show our versatility and motivate us to continue the good work. The nomination in the Best Product category is certainly very important to us, we know that Miss Joker Show is very well received by players in many markets, but of course we keep our fingers crossed for any award in any category.Each will make us equally happy.


Engagement vs. Responsibility – will you be discussing this at the congress? What is your opinion on the topic, and how does Promatic approach it?

All aspects of Responsible Gaming are always significantly important to us. We adapt the policies already at the design stage of our products. We want our games to be engaging, but at the same time not to extend any negative patterns, so we implement a number of features and mechanisms to our products to be fully compliant with principles of Responsible Gaming.

During the European Gaming Congress, Promatic representatives: Maciej Makuszewski – Head of iGaming and Luka Oblak – Product Manager will present a very interesting workshop showcasing how to capture such balance between user engagement and policies compliance. The presentation ‘Mastering the Art of Balanced Slot Development’ – we kindly invite all the attendees of EGC to participate.


As we approach the final quarter of 2024, it’s a good time to start reflecting on the year.

What are your plans and goals for Q4 and the upcoming year, 2025? What challenges do you foresee?

Although it is still too early to sum up, this year was very successful for us – we managed to complete many key business projects, we keep developing our online product, receiving new relevant certifications and we would like to maintain this trend. In the coming months, we plan to expand to new markets and grow our team of experts. We also focus on the development of new technologies, we expand the retail network while focusing on further development of the online product. We concentrate a lot on diversifying our product offer, which will certainly be much wider next year.


EGC is not the only conference where we can meet you at industry events in the near future. Can you share any plans in this regard?

Industry events are an important platform enabling valuable discussions and meetings. This week we are participating in SBC in Lisbon, we will also be at iGaming in Malta.

Next year, we are exhibiting at ICE 2025 in Barcelona and warmly invite you to visit Promatic Group’s stand. All the above events are very inspirational as we are committed to following trends, developing know-how and new technologies in gaming, and exchanging experiences with industry experts, which certainly contributes to our development.


Piotr Fedak – BIO


Chief Operating Officer of Promatic Group

Actively working in the gaming industry for over 20 years.

Associated with Promatic Group for most of his professional career, solely involved in operational processes.

He held the positions of Operations Director and Managing Director, supervising operations on domestic and global markets, also managing introducing innovations.

In 2023, he took the position of the CEO of the company, leading and managing the organization in the scope of operational and strategic processes.



Promatic Group’s iGaming Director, Maciej Makuszewski, and Product Design Manager, Luka Oblak, will be presenting a workshop at the European Gaming Congress on ‘Mastering the Art of Balanced Slot Development.

Join us in Warsaw and meet the Promatic Games Team in person:

Get your tickets for the European Gaming Congress 2024 Now!

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Playnetic is ready to take SBC Summit by storm



Playnetic is ready to take SBC Summit by storm
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Tell us more about the Playnetic team?

Playnetic brings together experienced professionals from both within and outside of the iGaming industry; a team of talented iGaming experts who are driving the company’s success.

Playnetic is continuing to expand, building on the solid foundation of experienced employees, with CEO, Dan Phillips spearheading the team and Chief Commercial Officer, Julian Borg-Barthet driving customer partnerships, commercial deals, while building high performing sales and account management teams. Since its brand launch in early 2024, Playnetic has progressed swiftly with key commercial and development goals and is now in a position to make the most of such a prominent event like SBC Lisbon.


What are Playnetic’s accomplishments leading up to SBC Lisbon?

Playnetic’s success, including a shortlist at this year’s EGR B2B awards and two further shortlists in Employer of the Year and Rising Star categories at the SBC Awards, highlight the team’s incredible dedication and hard work. In under a year, the company has grown into a global team, secured licenses in Sweden and Romania (with more on the horizon), and established key partnerships for European gaming content launches.


What does Playnetic have planned for the SBC Lisbon event?

Playnetic has continued working on its mission to deliver innovative quality games and is excited to be showcasing a range of new titles at the SBC Summit, each featuring captivating artwork and a host of engaging features. The Playnetic stand will also be offering daily tournaments with some fantastic prizes up for grabs. There will also be an open bar throughout the show, making Playnetic’s A110 stand the place to be!

Attendees are also invited to connect with the team during dedicated cocktail hours on Tuesday and Wednesday from 4pm, providing the perfect setting to network with the team, and learn more about these exciting new releases as well as the business vision and ambitious goals.


What makes Playnetic unique in the competitive iGaming landscape?

Playnetic’s strength lies in its exceptionally talented team. With diverse backgrounds including iGaming as well as film production across its three in-house studios, the team is able to deliver a constant stream of high-quality, market-tailored gaming content. This allows Playnetic to offer something unique and exclusive, with the supplier dedicated in offering quality innovative gaming content, that is reliably delivered on time to its partners, with the objective of providing exceptional customer service.  The Playnetic studio structure fosters innovation and independent design, ensuring a robust game roadmap that addresses individual market requirements for partners.


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From the Expo Floor to Market Strategy: Belatra’s Take on iGaming Evolution



As the iGaming industry gears up for the SBC Summit in Lisbon, all eyes are on Belatra, a developer with over three decades of experience in both online and offline gaming.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As the iGaming industry gears up for the SBC Summit in Lisbon, all eyes are on Belatra, a developer with over three decades of experience in both online and offline gaming. In a new interview, Kateryna Goi, the Chief Marketing Officer of Belatra, reveals the company’s bold new strategies, the importance of data-driven marketing, and why 2024 marks a pivotal moment for its presence on the global stage. 

Q1: Kateryna, Belatra has been a key player in the iGaming industry for over 30 years and an experienced participant in the SBC Summit. What drives your continued participation, and how has your approach evolved?

Kateryna Goi: Our participation in the SBC Summit has always been about more than just showcasing our products—engaging with the industry, exchanging insights, and staying ahead of trends. Over the years, we’ve gained valuable experience, particularly as we transitioned to online gaming in 2017 and navigated the global shifts in entertainment consumption that followed in 2020. Each year, we’ve refined our strategies and expanded our offerings. In 2024, we’re focusing on deepening our connections and sharing our latest innovations in more interactive and impactful ways. This approach allows us to effectively contribute to the collective growth of the iGaming industry while continuing to evolve alongside it.

Q2: The iGaming industry has seen rapid changes, particularly with the advent of new technologies. How has Belatra adapted its marketing strategies to stay ahead in such a dynamic environment?

Kateryna Goi: Adaptability is crucial in our industry. We’ve embraced data-driven strategies, which allow us to tailor our marketing efforts more precisely to the preferences and behaviors of modern players. This approach is deeply rooted in continuous marketing research and constant feedback from our users. Understanding player preferences through research and 3d-party experience at events like SBC helps us refine our products and marketing campaigns to meet their evolving needs. By leveraging data, we can create more personalized experiences, which is crucial in maintaining player engagement. 

Q3: Regarding data-driven strategies, you mentioned the importance of understanding modern players. What insights have you gathered about player preferences, and how do they influence your marketing approach?

Kateryna Goi: We’ve found that player preferences vary significantly between generations. Millennials, who transitioned from physical to online casinos, often seek out traditional games that remind them of the past. Titles like Piggy Bank and Lucky Drink remain popular with this group due to the nostalgia they evoke. We’ve adapted by bringing these classics online, allowing Millennials to enjoy familiar games in a new format.

Gen Z, on the other hand, favors fast-paced, visually engaging games with quick rewards. They’re more selective and follow trends, gravitating towards innovative features and dynamic gameplay. Understanding these differences allows us to tailor our marketing strategies and game development to cater to the distinct needs of each group, ensuring our offerings remain relevant and appealing.

Q4: What role do exhibitions like the SBC Summit play in developing the iGaming industry? Are they more than just marketing opportunities?

Kateryna Goi: Exhibitions are crucial for the industry’s development. They are not just about showcasing products; they are platforms for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration. At events like the SBC Summit, you can gather insights from various market players—casinos, platforms, developers—and gain a holistic understanding of industry trends. These interactions often lead to new ideas and innovations. For instance, a discussion on player behavior might inspire a new feature in our games, or a conversation about future technologies might spark a new marketing campaign. So yes, while exhibitions are excellent marketing tools, their impact on industry development is profound.

Q5: What are the non-negotiables for a successful iGaming company in the current market?

Kateryna Goi: A successful iGaming company today must focus on delivering a seamless, omnichannel experience. This means that whether a player accesses your games on a desktop, mobile device, or even a VR headset, the experience should be consistent and engaging. Additionally, personalization is vital. Players expect content tailored to their preferences, and companies that can deliver this will thrive.

Beyond this, marketing possibilities extend even further with a high-quality product. For example, graphics from the games can become NFT art and find their way into digital galleries, while game soundtracks are promoted alongside popular music tracks on platforms like Spotify – we’re about to present such a case quickly. It’s not just about promoting a game—it’s about creating an entire world that immerses people in a rich, multi-layered experience filled with references to our products. 

Q6: Belatra is expanding into new markets, such as Latin America. How does your marketing strategy adapt to these regions?

Kateryna Goi: Entering a new market like Latin America requires a deep understanding of local player preferences and cultural nuances. We emphasize player-centric marketing, which involves multilingual support, engaging loyalty programs, and showcasing success stories that resonate with local players. We also adapt our content to highlight upcoming releases and behind-the-scenes content that appeals to the local audience. We aim to connect with players beyond gaming, demonstrating our commitment to their satisfaction and well-being. This approach positions us to make a significant impact in these emerging markets.

Q7: The SBC Summit is just around the corner. What can attendees expect from Belatra at this event?

Kateryna Goi: We have an exciting lineup planned for the SBC Summit. Visitors can find us at Booth B640, where we’ll be showcasing our latest iGaming products and solutions. Expect interactive demos of our newest games, allowing attendees to experience them firsthand. We’ve also prepared exclusive giveaways to ensure everyone who visits leaves with something memorable. But beyond that, our booth will be a hub for networking. We’re eager to connect with industry professionals, discuss future trends, and explore potential collaborations. For those who want a deeper dive into what Belatra offers, we’re scheduling personal meetings to provide focused attention and discuss tailored solutions.

Q8: Finally, what’s next for Belatra? Are there any upcoming innovations or expansions you can share?

Kateryna Goi: We’re constantly innovating, and in the coming months, you can expect to see more exciting developments from us. We’re preparing new, interesting slots packed with bonuses and unique features to captivate players. Additionally, we’re expanding our presence in several emerging markets with significant growth potential. Our focus remains on creating high-quality, engaging games that resonate with players worldwide, and we’re excited about the possibilities ahead.

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