Amusnet is thrilled to announce its expanded collaboration with Entain Group through its renowned brand,, in the Greek...
GGPoker, the World’s Biggest Poker Room, wants to spread the love throughout the poker world with its $12M February Giveaway, with big cash and C$ prizes...
AFK Gaming, a leading gaming and esports media company, which was recently acquired by NODWIN Gaming, has unveiled its latest report, ‘India’s Gaming & Esports Landscape...
PopOK Gaming is pleased to announce its collaboration with Aviator, the groundbreaking multiplayer crash game, delivering exceptional gaming experiences. This partnership brings together PopOK Gaming’s...
After successfully complying with Brazil’s brand-new regulations, Delasport’s sportsbook is now officially certified for the South African market as well. Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) issued...
International Game Technology PLC announced that it was recognised with top honours in two prominent award programmes held in conjunction with ICE Barcelona 2025: the...
Scientific Games’ omnichannel SYMPHONY gaming system will power Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin’s retail and digital lottery sales, enhancing the consumer lottery experience across Berlin, Germany through...
Playzia, a fast-growing game provider to the iGaming industry, has announced a new partnership with 1xBet, a globally renowned online gaming and betting platform. The...
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