Allwyn, a leading multi-national lottery operator, announced its inaugural partnership with the Peace Race (Zavod Miru), a prestigious Under 23’s cycling tour, including teams from...
Allwyn AG, Europe’s leading lottery operator, announced the completion of Allwyn’s acquisition of the Camelot Lottery Solutions group of companies (the “Camelot LS Group”), previously...
Allwyn, Europe’s leading lottery operator, has entered into €335m of accordion loan facilities with a syndicate of international banks. A group of lenders has committed...
Allwyn, Europe’s leading lottery operator, announced a three-year global partnership with the Wings for Life World Run, an annual global running event that raises money...
Allwyn, the leading global lottery operator, has entered into a new €1.6bn Senior Facilities Agreement with a syndicate of international banks. Lenders under the Senior...
Allwyn has confirmed the appointment of Sharon Doherty and Victoria McKenzie-Gould as independent Non-Executive Directors. Their roles will include supporting the implementation and transition of...
Allwyn has announced that Camelot has dropped its legal challenge against the company, after the former was selected by the Gambling Commission to take over...
The UK Gambling Commission has announced it will now begin the process of formally awarding the National Lottery Licence to Allwyn. Following legal challenges by...
Lottery operator Allwyn – formerly Sazka Group – has changed the legal names of four of its companies to align with its rebranding. Sazka rebranded...
UK National Lottery operator Camelot will take the Gambling Commission (UKGC) to court over its decision to award the fourth National Lottery licence to rival...
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