Emerging victorious in the coveted Indian qualifiers, S8UL, the country’s premier Esports organization, delivered remarkable performances against renowned Esports outfits and secured their coveted spot...
The youngest action superstar, Tiger Shroff ensured Bollywood’s foray into the Indian Esports industry with his decision to invest an undisclosed amount in Revenant Esports,...
Trinity Gaming India and EmChain to earmark land on virtual Mars to content creators, eSports organizations, brands and companies Trinity Gaming India, a gaming content...
IPO-bound Yudiz Solutions Limited, a blockchain, AI and gaming-focused enterprise technology company has received an NSE approval for an SME IPO. With this approval, the...
Thug Invitational Season 6, the country’s foremost Road To Valor tournament with a whopping prize pool of INR 2,00,000 is all set to kick off...
The cricketing superstars kick off Win Millions Lotto’s star-studded cast of partners with fans given the chance to win life-changing money Two West Indian World...
The Esports Federation of India (ESFI) has partnered with FITGMR Inc., a renowned Esports technology and training firm, to create a top-notch player and coaching...
India’s leading game developer, SuperGaming, has revealed the country’s first hero shooter, Battle Stars. Out now on the App Store and Google Play, Battle Stars...
BMM Testlabs, the world’s original gaming test lab and product certification consultancy, is pleased to announce the promotion of Reena Varma to Senior Vice President...
Top gaming CEOs expressed their concerns over the ‘extortionist’ 30% tax imposed by Google on gaming apps at a panel discussion held at Consilience 2023, organized...
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