Nailed It! Games, an independent Krakow-based games studio, is embarking on another intergalactic adventure as it launches a sequel to one of last year’s hits...
Innovative data collaboration that brings together two complementary technologies to help games studios grow Future Anthem, the pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) and data science powerhouse,...
Nailed It! Games, an independent Krakow-based games studio, has launched Cosmic Coins, a slot that will see players utilising the Epic Strike mechanic to climb an incrementally increasing...
Nailed It! Games, an independent Krakow-based games studio, has innovated on its coveted Supermatch⢠mechanic with the launch of the Halloween-themed Grim Reaper Supermatchâ˘. At least...
Nailed It! Games, an independent Krakow-based games studio, is giving players early access to its new slot, Grim Reaper Supermatchâ˘, launching exclusively with select operators before...
Nailed It! Games, an independent Krakow-based games studio, invites players for some action-packed feline fun with an exclusive launch of its latest title, CatPurry, on the...
Nailed It! Games, an independent Krakow-based games studio, reveals their latest sun-soaked, four-legged release, Dog Daysâ˘, which is available now exclusively on the Games Global...
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