Amusnet is thrilled to announce its expanded collaboration with Entain Group through its renowned brand,, in the Greek...
The global esports organization GIANTX is ready to kick off its journey in the League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC), Europeâs premier esports competition. With...
Leading esports club Team Vitality is excited to announce VALORANT pro-player and content creator Ardis “ardiis” Svarenieks as its newest ambassador. The Latvian-British player joins...
Checkd Group has signed a new long-term agreement with Podium (formerly PA Betting Services), the legacy distributors of pre-race and race day racing data to the betting industry, to...
Figoal combines the electrifying spirit of football with innovative gaming mechanics, delivering an unparalleled experience to players worldwide. The launch event promises to be a highlight...
GameplAI, an emerging supplier of automated trading products for global sportsbooks, has entered into a partnership with tier-one operator Betsson. This collaboration will see GameplAI provide...
Racing1, the new name for the Strategic Alliance between 1/ST CONTENT, ARC, RMG and Tabcorp, is launching a daily a free-to-enter Wagering Competition at its ICE...
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