PG Soft, a world-class digital mobile games company, has released its epic samurai saga, Geisha’s Revenge. Set among Japan’s opulent teahouses, the game follows leading...
Spinomenal, the leading iGaming content provider, has struck a new content partnership with Admiral Croatia. Admiral Croatia will now be able to access Spinomenal’s extensive...
Gambling law and regulation conference Regulating the Game announced the latest addition to its 2025 Masterclass Series in Sydney: “Beyond Compliance – Safer Gambling Training and Building...
The excellent results for 2023 brought EGT a “True Leader” prize for another year in a row. At a special ceremony, which was held at...
SOFTSWISS, a leading tech provider with over 15 years of experience, announces that its innovative affiliate marketing management platform, Affilka by SOFTSWISS, will participate in...
Veikkaus continues its long-term partnership with Finnish ice hockey. The Finnish Ice Hockey Association and Veikkaus have agreed on a comprehensive partnership that will continue...
SYNOT Games, a leading iGaming provider, has partnered with win2day, taking a major step in its Austrian market growth strategy. The collaboration marks its debut with...
Casino Guru, the leading independent authority on online gambling and the biggest online casinos database, has launched a major redesign of its homepage, marking a...
Standfirst 21VIRAL, a leading games aggregator for the Latin American market, has strengthened its offerings by integrating a diverse portfolio of games from Expanse Studios....
Soft2Bet, a leading provider of iGaming turnkey solutions, has introduced its latest Seasonal Christmas engine powered by MEGA, designed to captivate players with skill-based gameplay...
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