Kudos Labs announced plans of building a new groundbreaking community focused gaming and technology rewards platform. Created for gamers, by gamers, its mission is to...
Aristocrat Leisure Limited announced that Ms Sally Denby has been appointed Chief Financial Officer of the company, effective immediately and subject to the receipt of...
BMM Testlabs, the world’s original gaming test lab and product certification consultancy, announced today that it formally opened its newest office and product testing laboratory...
Welcome to our weekly roundup of American gambling news again! Here, we are going through the weekly highlights of the American gambling industry which include the...
Indo-Futuristic battle royale Indus will have its second playtest test this November. Developed by Pune-based SuperGaming, Indus is slated for mobile, PC, and consoles. The...
During November, GX.games – the platform where creators and developers meet the 18 million strong audience of the gaming browser– will be adding two new games...
The Valorant India Invitational organised by Galaxy Racer is going to feature eight teams in its LAN event. All eight teams boast of top-notch talent...
Every time typhoons and other extreme weather conditions would ravage the northern part of the country, locals of this flood-prone coastal town would scurry to...
BIG is excited to welcome BIG Chroma as the latest addition to our League of Legends department! BIG Chroma is a new project focusing on...
Pioneering UK content supplier HungryBear Gaming, has agreed to a global deal with a subsidiary of Light & Wonder, Inc. to distribute its industry-first multiplayer...
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