The world of football is a rich, diverse and electrifying space that is overflowing with thrilling clashes and rivalries, as well as armies of loyal...
Sports and esports betting provider BETER has added yet another string to its bow with the arrival of Virtual eComp Artificial Intelligence esports tournaments, which...
International sports and esports betting provider BETER announced today that they have teamed up with M88. The leading Asian sportsbook has decided to take advantage...
Leading provider of sports and esports content, BETER, have enhanced efootball live streams of ESportsBattle Tournaments with the addition of heart monitors. This innovative feature...
Chances are if you told someone 15-20 years ago that competitive gaming would become big business in the near future, they’d have told you that...
Betting on esports events has numerous advantages when compared to sports betting. First of all, it’s because of its “always present” nature. Unlike sporting events, held...
The results are in and BETER is proud to report that the first half of 2021 has seen the Setka Cup go from strength to...
The world of esports is expanding dramatically. More people join streaming platforms to both watch and show the world their esports battles. According to Newzoo,...
The Setka Cup, international 24/7 sports tournaments, and the Prague Table Tennis Association in the Czech Republic have become partners. Setka Cup’s daily tournaments have...
Leading fast sports and esports content provider BETER has strengthened its team with a new Chief Executive Officer — Gal Ehrlich. Gal Ehrlich is an...
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