As Europe’s premiere live gaming betting studio, BetGames has continually proven itself as the industry’s favourite provider of live dealer and betting games. From Twain...
Charlie Williams, Commercial Director at Altenar, brings with him a fantastic pedigree to ensure the global sportsbook remains at the head of affairs. So, after...
When did the WebStudio team start leveraging artificial intelligence, and what motivated them to venture into the field? In September 2022, I brought an intriguing...
There are literally thousands of online slot games for players to experience. Is there too much choice in the market or is variety a good...
Can you briefly introduce Blocktrade and its core services? Blocktrade is the first gamified crypto exchange. We offer access to more than 30 tokens and...
In anticipation of the Belgian Royal Decree coming into effect on 1 July, we sat down with Emmanuel Mewissen, CEO at GAMING1, to talk about...
Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your role at Fujitsu? My name is Nick McDonald, and I am an account director at Fujitsu...
One quick thing that came to mind after conducting the interview was: this man knows the industry. So Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Paul Sampson, CEO...
Today we sat down to talk with Igor Terebinov, Deputy CEO of PokerMatch International, about whether artificial intelligence could kill the future of online poker ...
Can you give us an overview of what AretoNet does as a business and its background in gaming prior to the launch of AretoNet...
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