Amusnet is thrilled to announce its expanded collaboration with Entain Group through its renowned brand,, in the Greek...
“It is my great pleasure as the organizer, to invite you to the 7th edition of the Romanian Conference on Gambling, the most important annual event...
The organizers are proud to have Mr. Potapenko Vadim (Development Manager at Slotegrator) who will be among the key speakers during the Innovation talk at Vienna International Gaming Expo and...
The independent online gambling testing laboratory and regulatory adviser eCOGRA is among the first few companies to achieve accreditation as an authorized Czech testing agency by...
The organizers are proud to have Mr. Martin Arendts (Founder of ARENDTS ANWAELTE), who will be among the key speakers in Gaming in Central Europe and will point out...
In their first statistical Press Release, EEGEvents(organizers of Vienna International Gaming Expo), have released the current status of the registrations and have update the list of...
Bitcoin erases geographical boundaries. Head of Bitcoin Embassy Georgia tells about cryptocurrencies in gambling Bitcoin erases geographical boundaries, becoming more and more popular in online gambling....
The CEO of the company CASEXE Ivan Kondilenko has been appointed as a speaker at Georgia Gaming Congress scheduled for March 1 in Tbilisi. The said...
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