Hipther Agency, a renowned name in the gaming and events industry, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with the pioneering AllconfsBot – the leading...
HIPTHER Agency is excited to introduce the Sponsors of the highly-anticipated GamingTECH CEE Summit, taking place on September 26-27, 2023, in Budapest! The #hipthers are...
The excitement in the gaming industry reaches new heights as Hipther Agency officially unveiled the GamingTECH Awards 2023 Shortlist! The competition has been fierce, as...
HIPTHER Agency and the #hipthers are delighted to introduce the Nordic Updates Sponsor of the upcoming GamingTECH CEE Summit taking place in Budapest, on 26-27...
WhatsApp, #hipthers? HIPTHER Agency is excited to share the news of the first WhatsApp Group for all our friends, peers and professionals from the Gaming...
Hipther Agency is thrilled to announce its strategic media partnership with Expodia for the Innovative Digital EXPO 2023, scheduled for July 27th at the Prague...
Hipther Agency is thrilled to announce the return of the much-anticipated European Gaming Congress (EGC) after a three-year hiatus. The event, scheduled for 31 October...
The Agenda of MARE BALTICUM Gaming & Tech Summit is packed with engaging and enjoyable Networking Sessions. Experts from Tech, iGaming, eSports, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence...
Baltic and Nordic region’s most popular gaming and tech conference to be hosted in Latvia’s capital at Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga Hipther is set to...
The Hipther Agency, organizer of the annual MARE BALTICUM Gaming & TECH Summit and BSG Awards since 2018, are proud to present the groundbreaking initiative...
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