The sequel follows success of the inaugural event in ongoing series Pinnacle has announced that – following the success of the first Pinnacle Cup in...
Despite still being a relatively young industry, the esports market is worth being invested in. CS:GO is one of the most popular esports disciplines in...
The worldwide Digital Pass mega quest for gamers starts on June 1st and will last two months. The possibility to exchange in-game success for physical...
Welcome to our weekly roundup of American gambling news again! It was again an eventful week in the USA, despite the still-active virus attack. Here, we...
The esports club and the international bookmaking holding Parimatch are extending their partnership for 2021. As a part of the cooperation, Parimatch will continue...
The ultimate 2v2 CS:GO tournament is back! Starting in April, players will battle it out to find the best Counter-Strike: Global Offensive duos in the...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation. CS:GO betting works just like any...
Welcome to our weekly roundup of American gambling news again! It was again an eventful week in the USA, despite the still-active virus attack. Here, we...
4Elements is proud to announce its new international CS:GO team composed of talented young athletes with a tremendous potential, among them an ex-Fnatic player and... announces it’s second CS:GO team with young players from across Russia and CIS — VP.Prodigy. This is the second active youngsters team of the...
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